
Absa / Viacom


Custom Experience Design



Custom programmes

Bankers go back to school

A social experiment into ever-trending youthful culture.

Yeoville Primary, Johannesburg

This was the setting for the day's events. No school activities were disrupted as a result of this experience. We dressed bankers in school uniform, packed them a lunch and handed them a timetable. What happened next was pure bliss...

We staged classroom sessions where top researchers from Viacom shared their work around understanding youth culture. We used the schools existing infrastructure and their vacant space. The sessions stuck to the school's timetable, the bell rang, our guests moved.

This outing allowed us to adopt a young persons lens on an experiential level. The learnings were transformative and there was certainly a behavioural change in strategy.

Design thinking

We used old overhead projectors to display research and it assisted us to bring nostalgia to the experience. The timetables ensured all classes moved swiftly and all research was presented efficiently.

All ties, uniforms and stationery used for the experience was donated to pupils at the end of the day. Our headmaster also made sure the pupils were educated on the culture of savings. This was done through a "bot" Absa had developed and launched at Yeoville Primary.

Projects Gallery